Thursday, December 3, 2009

To that brilliant genius:

Note--I didn't take this picture, haven't made my
pilgrimage yet....but I will.
I have to say right here and now for the record that someone out there was a genius. I'm serious. I'm also talking about the New York Times. My all time favorite reading material. I have a slight obsession that I'm willing to admit. I check it daily. Several times. An hour. I don't know who it was, but someone was brilliant to come up with this newspaper idea. Have hundreds of people gathering information, parsing it and sifting through it to find the important morsels. And then. The important part. They bundle it all up nicely, print it, or conveniently post it online (look for the next edition of love for the internet) and send it to me. Wonderful. Someone deserves an award.  Here is some quality information.

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